Upright, the little gadget that will save you back pain


A study has shown that 80% of people have back pain at some point in their lives. Having good posture is complicated when we work behind a computer or behind a desk. Back pain occurs at any age, but we have a solution just for you!

This is where Upright comes in. Indeed, this object will help you to adopt the correct posture in order to avoid back pain. Thanks to its hypoallergenic adhesive sticky attached to the lower back, it will vibrate when your position is not the right one. Upright is a vertical bar made of silicone measuring 11 x 3.5 x 1.5 cm. It has an accelerometer which is used to capture the smallest movements that can cause you back pain.

The concept is simple. The only mission of users is to calibrate Upright so that it remembers the posture you want to achieve. Then, a pressure sensor measures the vertical position of the spine. An application is in cahoots with this technological gem and which, depending on your age and your weight, will provide you with the statistics of the day.

You will therefore be able to reach your goal of bodybuilding, constantly consult your back posture analyzes, support other people around you, but most importantly, relieve your pain and make it go away!

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