Vanhawks Valor smart health connected bike raises $ 1.6M


Vanhawks’s Valor smart health connected bike created a sensation last May on Kickstarter, raising the target almost 8 times. Over 800 backers pre-ordered the famous bicycle, which was priced around $ 1,000. Only then, the founding team was completely overwhelmed, and production weighed (again) on the delivery date. From June 2014 initially, it passed to "spring 2015".

Vanhawks incubated from the prestigious Y Combinator

However, it did not worry new American business angels to put their hands up for this start-up which has been incubated in the prestigious American accelerator Y Combinator for the winter session 2015. In total, these are $ 1.6 million that has been raised, in addition to the $ 820,000 already acquired on Kickstarter.

Vanhawks co-founder Ali Zahid explains that this money will not only be used to completely restructure the production chain in Taiwan (to ensure delivery in 3 weeks for the next copies), but especially to help the start-up to to establish itself as the future leader in bicycle software. So his idea is not only to become a bicycle manufacturer, but to market his technology to other players in the cycling industry.

"The vision is a lot bigger than just making bikes"

Ali Zahid, Founder Vanhawks

For those who have not followed, here is an explanatory ehealth of the bike:

(Embed) (/ embed)

Source: TechCrunch

