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  • Vegetarian Chop Suey -Chinese food and natural health September 22 2014

Vegetarian Chop Suey -Chinese food and natural health September 22 2014

Vegetarian Chop Suey Chinese healthy food

Vegetarian Chop Suey

Vegetarian Chop Suey

Origin:Chinese Food

Numberof persons: 4


Preparationtime: 15 min

Cookingtime: 15 min


Ingredients for Vegetarian ChopSuey

200 g of bean sprouts

1red pepper, 1 green pepper

2pieces of tofu

300g cauliflower


200g mushrooms

3tablespoons peanut oil

2tablespoons tamari

1tablespoon lemon juice

1teaspoon sesame oil

1teaspoon sugar

1tablespoon chopped fresh coriander


Washthe vegetables and peel the carrots.

Cutcarrots and peppers into thin strips, slice the mushrooms and tofu cubesitemize cauliflower into florets.

Heatthe peanut oil in a wok.

Fryover high heat all vegetables and tofu, stirring constantly, 5 minutes. Mixsesame oil, sugar, tamari and lemon juice and pour over the vegetables. Stir.

Simmerover medium heat 2 minutes.

ServeVegetarian Chop Suey hot with noodles or rice.

Ingredientsfor Woodruff Special Recipe

4Slices bacon

Spaghettisauce 1 qt

Cabbageleaves (1/4 head) 1

lbChopped beef

1md Onion, chopped

1/2ts Oregano

2 c Rice, cooked

Garlicsalt to taste

Sauerkraut1 cn ​​(large can, well

Saltand pepper to taste


WoodruffSpecial Preparation

DIRECTIONSFry the bacon crisp Fairly and reserve it. Use the bacon fat to grease a pan orcasserole (10 x 12 x 2 pan is just about right for this recipe). Tear cabbageleaves as Necessary to line the bottom of the pan, about 2-3 leaves thick.Break up the chopped beef and crumble on top of the cabbage leaves. Crumble thebacon pieces on top of the beef. Add the chopped onion, And Then add salt,pepper, garlic salt and oregano. Cover this with the cooked rice and Then thesauerkraut. Cover with Reviews another layer of cabbage leaves, about 2-3leaves thick. Finally, for the spaghetti sauce on top, distributing it evenly.Bake, covered at 325 degrees for 3-4 hours.

Ingredientsfor Grape Nuts Hot Recipe Recipe

GrapeNuts cereal 1/4 c

1/4 c Skim milk

Freshfruit (optional)


GrapeNuts Hot Recipe Preparation

Placecereal in microwaveable bowl; add skim milk. Microwave on high to taste; 30seconds for a BIG crunch, 60 seconds for a little crunch. Add fresh fruit orhoney, if Desired.