A virtual campus to reconcile AI and drug research

A specialist in precision medicine to treat resistant and metastatic cancers, the Dijon (Côte-d'Or) company Oncodesign Precision Medicine has been using artificial intelligence since 2015.

"We have introduced AI thinking in collaboration with other partners to build a database of cancer patients from the most to the least resistant to treatment in order to build algorithms and work on more effective treatments"explains Philippe Genne, CEO of Oncodesign Precision Medicine.

This approach served as a starting point for a reflection initiated by the biopharmaceutical company and the international pharmaceutical group servant to create a virtual open innovation campus to accelerate and make the drug discovery process more reliable, Drug Discovery, thanks to artificial intelligence: FederAidd.

Gather the actors

Applied AI to the drug discovery process will therefore be at the heart of the activity of the FederAidd virtual campus. The latter aims to interconnect the various players in the medical and artificial intelligence worlds to bring out new projects, experiences and training. Pharmaceutical industries, biotech companies, but also hospitals and universities will exchange with research institutes, start-ups and other companies operating in the world of technology.

"Oncology has a bit of a head start in the analysis of pathologies with artificial intelligence and we want to extend this practice." Faced with the long research process to find molecules capable of blocking the proteins responsible for the disease and obtaining drug candidates, the technology could analyze the data faster while providing more reliability with more effective molecules.

"We objectively analyze the data and we go faster in the conclusions but we must have access to this field of technological competence." To contribute to this, FederAidd intends to bring together the key players in the major AI pools, whether in France, Canada, the UNITED STATES or elsewhere.

AI to reduce costs

Expensive and random, the Drug Discovery process does not always lead to a drug. "Of ten projects initiated, there is often only one that works. The laboratories make investments without having the guarantee of a return. Artificial intelligence will make the process more reliable to achieve a success rate of approximately one out of two and thus rationalize the investment." Philippe Genne hopes that the price of drugs will be reduced in turn. "We will be able to weed out the bad molecules earlier to identify and develop the best ones."

AI alongside the patient

Artificial intelligence intervenes very early in precision medicine. "Patients undergo samples, analyses, imaging and from this level, the AI ​​will help the doctor in his diagnosis to adapt a specific treatment to the profile of each patient."

In the rest of the care pathway, in addition to identifying the proteins responsible for the disease, AI intervenes to structure the molecules and potential drugs but also to optimize them, analyze the pre-clinical data to transpose them to humans. then analyze data from clinical trials. Once on the market, AI becomes a complementary diagnostic tool. A webinar will take place in the first quarter of 2023 to present how FederAidd works and how to join the international virtual campus.

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