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  • Visit the Sanguinaires Islands, discover the Ajaccio archipelago

Visit the Sanguinaires Islands, discover the Ajaccio archipelago

Are you planning to travel to Corsica? So don’t miss a visit to the Iles Sanguinaires near Ajaccio!

At the entrance to the Gulf of Ajaccio to the west, an archipelago of 4 classified islets is revealed: the Sanguinaires archipelago, or Ìsuli Sanguinarii in Corsica. Extending off the Pointe de la Parrata and its Genoese Tower, these four islands are called: Mezu Mare (or Grande Sanguinaire), Cormorants (or Isolotto), Cala d’Alga and Porri (only 31 meters high ), to which is added the bare rock U Sbiru located between Isola di Porri and Cormorant Island. Composed of magmatic rocks with dark colors, the name of the islands would come from the bloody reflection of the purple rays of the sunset on its rocks or from the color of the frankénies, small plants with pink flowers whose leaves turn bright red in autumn. Now classified as a Natura 2000 site, they are real havens of peace for many species endemic to Corsica. They are thus part of the natural and cultural heritage of Ajaccio.

Do you want to discover them during your trip to Corsica? To help you, we reveal everything you need to know to visit the Sanguinaires Islands near Ajaccio.

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History of the Sanguinaires Islands

History of the Sanguinaires Islands in Corsica

Photo credit: Shutterstock / beboy

Located in the south of Corsica, the Sanguinaires Islands were uninhabited for a long time. Filled with mystery, the only information about them comes from travellers’ accounts. The most famous is that ofAlphonse Daudet who evoke in “Letters from my mill” traces of life in these wild and fierce islands.

In fact, the most notable human presence dates back to the 16th century when the Genoese built a tower on the site of the current lighthouse. Mezu Mare, the Grande Sanguinaire, also became a health post in 1806 when a lazaret (quarantine area to fight against the plague) was built for coral fishermen returning from Africa. Later, in 1865, a semaphore – a combat post – was put into service before being disarmed in 1955.

The current lighthouse, meanwhile, was built in 1870 at 80 meters above sea level. Also known as the Gulf of Ajaccio lighthouse, it was automated in 1985, a date which also marks the departure of the last resident of the island.

Today classified and protected, the islands were bought by a real estate company in 1959. It planned to subdivide the islets and open them to tourism. Fortunately for the local species, the yellow-legged gull and the shearwater, the archipelago was bought by the General Council of Corsica in 1973, which then took on the task of protecting it. The Sanguinaires Islands have a rich flora: nearly 150 rare and endemic species! Such diversity is usually rare on such a surface.

Travelers who would like to visit the Sanguinaires Islands can thus enjoy virgin spaces and sublime landscapes on the Gulf of Ajaccio, the tip of Parrata, but also admire the particular fauna and flora of the archipelago.

What to see and do in the Sanguinaires Islands?

Photo credit: Shutterstock / beboy

The Gulf of Ajaccio

It’s no secret: the Sanguinaires Islands are among the unmissable things to do in Corsica and Ajaccio. Fortunately for travelers, many boat companies offer to visit the Sanguinaires Islands but also some treasures of the Gulf of Ajaccio. Generally, a tour will take you along the Corsican coast to the west of the city.

You will pass the House of Tino Rossi, born in the region, as well as in front of the Chapel of the Greeks. Along the coast, you arrive near the Pointe de la Parrata and can admire its emblematic Genoese tower. Built in 1608, it dominates the region from its high observation point. It was used, like its former neighbor the Sanguinaires Islands, to prevent the arrival of pirates and Barbary invaders.

The Great Bloodthirst

The tour will then continue with the main attraction: the visit of the Sanguinaires Islands. Frequently, you will dock on the main island of Mezzu Mare, also called Grande Sanguinaire. Take advantage of this moment to visit the lighthouse and climb to its summit, from where you will enjoy an incredible view of the Gulf of Ajaccio, the other islands and the tip of Parrata in the distance!

You can also explore the surroundings, discover the ruins of the lazaretto or observe the many species of endemic seabirds. Do not hesitate to choose a tour with a guide, who can teach you more about the fauna and flora of the Sanguinaires Islands. He will also take you to the most beautiful places and can teach you more about the hidden secrets of the islets.

The fauna and the flora

Before returning to Ajaccio, be sure to swim in the crystal clear waters of the Sanguinaires Islands and indulge in snorkeling to discover the fabulous seabed of the archipelago.

The sunsets

We also recommend choosing a tour that leaves the islands after dark. You will thus have the opportunity to admire one of the famous sunsets of the Sanguinaires Islands. It’s an enchanting moment, with these bursts of the setting sun on the igneous rocks of the island!

The Genoese tower of Parrata

To discover the Sanguinaires Islands from another angle, you can also choose to walk to the Genoese tower of La Parrata. To do this, simply take the coastal road (D111) to the tip of the same name. A large car park awaits you on arrival and you can then follow the short path up to the promontory to enjoy incredible views of the Sanguinaires Islands.

You can also go up to the Genoese tower, however access to the tower has a steep drop ! The best times for this visit are obviously the end of the day, when the sun goes down and bloody both the sky and the islands, but also on days of rough seas. On these occasions, the waves breaking on the rocks of the islands make for spectacular photos!

On a boat

As stated above, it is easy to visit the Sanguinaires Islands near Ajaccio. To observe them from afar, you can opt for a hike at the tip of the Parrata. To tread the ground, however, you will have to reserve a boat trip. Tours usually depart from Port Tino Rossi in Ajacciosome can also start elsewhere, such as at the fishermen’s wharf tip of the Parrata.

Note that some excursions, in particular guided tours of the islands, include a stop of only one hour on the main island of the Sanguinaires archipelago. However, it is possible to find excursions that offer several crossings during the day (often every hour). You will be able to visit and discover the Sanguinaires Islands at your leisure before taking one of the return crossings, or even the last to enjoy the colors of the setting sun.

By jet ski

You can also choose to visit the Sanguinaires Islands by jet ski! If you like thrills, a jet ski ride can be a great activity.

Rates for excursions to the Sanguinaires Islands

Photo credit: Shutterstock / Jacques VANNI

The price of boat trips generally varies between 15€ and 60€ depending on the services on board, the type of cruise, the route and the period. Whatever your choice, it is recommended to book your excursion in advance (online or not) to benefit from the best prices and avoid disappointments on the day. Also, it is not uncommon, especially in summer, for excursions to be full on certain days or for prices to skyrocket.


– Many companies do not offer any time restriction for the stop in the Sanguinaires Islands. Returns are possible every hour, even if the weather can modify these times.– THE pets are not always accepted on boats going to the Sanguinaires Islands.– In case of rough seas, it is possible that the crossing or the excursion will be cancelled. In these cases, a new date or a refund is frequently offered.– Because the Sanguinaires Islands are a protected siteit is necessary to respect the local fauna and flora.

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