Vivalto Health signs an agreement with HypnoVR


The partnership aims to facilitate the adoption of the software developed by HypnoVR in the Vivalto Santé group clinics.

"Able to induce and maintain a patient in a modified state of consciousness throughout the duration of a medical procedure", the medical device HypnoVR allows in particular to "replace general anesthesia by local anesthesia accompanied by virtual reality headset or to facilitate loco-regional anesthesia ", reduce the use of drugs and therefore avoid possible side effects, according to the release.

It is also used as an adjunct or alternative to the treatment of pain, stress management and anxiety. According to the company, the device can halve the consumption of anxiolytics and opioids and reduce side effects.

The partnership also involves setting up clinical studies in various indications and co-developing developments in HypnoVR software in collaboration with Vivalto Santé Group teams.

In June 2018, Vivalto Santé's president and founder, Daniel Caille, took part in a fundraising event with HypnoVR with Guillaume Richard, founder and CEO of Oui Care, La Javaness, start-up accelerator specializing in artificial intelligence (AI) , Bpifrance and several business angels. HypnoVR got 700,000 euros.
