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  • Walking more prevents the risk of diabetes and hypertension after 40 years

Walking more prevents the risk of diabetes and hypertension after 40 years

Physical activity prevents cardiovascular risk, diabetes, hypertension and, in women, reduces obesity but it is even more effective if the daily walking sessions are increased between 40 and 50 years.

Researchers at the University of Massachusetts analyzed data on 1,923 participants, aged 45 on average. They were asked to wear a accelerometer (a device that measures movements) for ten hours a day, four days minimum. The participants were then followed up for nine years.

Their results, presented at the 2020 congress of theAmerican heart association ((Epidemiology and Prevention Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health Scientific Sessions) showed that the participants who recorded the most daily steps saw their risk of diabetes decrease by 43% and that of strong blood pressure 31% over the nine years of follow-up, compared to those who walked the least.

A few kilometers on foot only wear shoes

The researchers also found that for the subjects female, for everyone the 1,000 steps the risk ofobesity decreased by 13%. In addition, those who walked the most were less likely to be obese (-61%) compared to those who walked the least.

The scientists commented on their results, noting that: " Our study results support more evidence of the importance of an activity physical regular to improve the heart health, and that preventative efforts can be effective, even as adults age. "

" Walking is a widely accessible form of physical activity, and the number of steps per day is easily measurable and motivating. " And the author of the study, Amanda E. Paluch, added that the measurement of the number of steps is facilitated by the industry of tracking bracelets and smartphones.

For people who fear long periods of sport, accumulating steps during the day can help them be more active on a daily basis. The researcher went on to say, " the more steps you record, the better. "

" The diabetes and the strong blood pressure are not inevitable. (…) Maintaining a healthy weight, improving one's diet and increasing one's physical activity can help reduce the risk of diabetes. This study shows that walking is a therapy effective in lowering risk "Added Robert H. Eckel, former president ofAmerican heart association.

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