Watson helps doctors treat different types of cancer


Called Watson, the artificial intelligence developed by IBM continues to surprise us with its versatility. Last month, you were told that Crédit Mutuel was deploying it in its branches to assist the advisers, this time it is in the medical field that it is illustrated.

New data presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) are part of the quality of Watson's advice in terms of help for cancer treatment.

In addition to obtaining very good results for the detection and treatment of various cancers, Watson is able to analyze mutations and advise personalized treatment for breast and lung cancer patients 78% faster than a practitioner usual (24 minutes against an average of 110 minutes!)

IBM's artificial intelligence is already widely used around the world, especially in healthcare centers in Australia, Mexico, Brazil and even Asia. The company has announced the equipment of nine new medical centers to assist physicians in treating their patients.

More Watson learns, more he can analyze different types of cancer. It should be used in the treatment of lymphoma, melanoma, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and brain cancer.

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