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Well-being and natural health Apitherapy, a cure thanks to bees Find out more

Apitherapy, a cure thanks to bees 


Bees are living beings the most important on earth. Their role does not stop at the production of honey, they alone pollinate 80% of the plants on the planet and contribute to the survival of species! During their lifetime, bees are very active and produce what are called hive products: honey, pollen, royal jelly, propolis and wax. Precious, these products have been used since the dawn of time for their benefits on our health and well-being. Did you know that the term apitherapy comes from the Greek “Apis” for bee and “therapia” for cure.

Let’s take a closer look at the different substances they produce. 


It is a syrupy and sweet substance, made with the nectar of flowers.It can be used as a vector for using essential oils orally or for healing purposes for the skin.

Properties: antimicrobial, healing, gastro-protective, immunostimulant, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.



It is a resinous gum collected from the buds of certain trees which is used to repair and protect the hive.Useful in case of infectious pathologies on the ENT sphere and oral problems.

Properties: antiviral, antimicrobial, immunostimulant, anesthetic, neuroprotective, antioxidant.



This whitish substance is secreted by the workers to feed the larvae and the queen.To be used during convalescence, in the event of infection for stimulating and invigorating purposes to support the body, but also in the event of undernutrition.

Properties: euphoric, immuno-fortifying and anti-fatigue.



These are tiny grains produced by the stamens of flowers made into balls.Very popular with athletes for its protein intake, it has the same indications as royal jelly, with the addition of a beneficial action on the intestinal flora.

Properties: digestive anti-fatigue (physical, mental or sexual), fight against cardiovascular, genito-urinary and skin disorders.



Mainly used in cosmetics, wax is a natural substance produced by the wax glands of bees.It is ideal for nourishing the skin and facilitating its healing.

Properties: greasing, nourishing, anti-inflammatory, healing, moisturizing and emollient of the skin.


To conclude

As for beauty, Cleopatra was already using the virtues of bee products!

Honey for moisturizing and healing the skin and hair, royal jelly for its restorative and anti-aging powers, pollen to strengthen nails and hair, and propolis to help purify the skin.

Small everyday ailments, fatigue, defenses at half mast, need for vitamins, in short, taking care of yourself naturally through apitherapy is The solution.

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