WEZR – A real-time weather sensor

WEZR is a small smart health connected sensor allowing to know with precision the ultra local weather forecasts in real time and for the days to come.

WEZR is therefore an innovative small sensor capable of collecting, using and providing meteorological data in real time. Reliability and accuracy of information is enabled through the use of a smart health connected sensor that provides weather information to within 1.5 kilometers and continuously updated on your smartphone.

To use it, nothing could be simpler. Just hang the sensor on a bag, jacket, ski pole or any other object located near your smartphone since it connects with it via Bluetooth. Then, you must launch the application compatible with iOS and Android and click on the map to know the weather for the selected place.

This little sensor is being funded on Kickstarter. For 79 dollars, it is possible to receive one by the month of December 2015. Discover it in ehealth: