What do digital health events bring? | eHealth blog


The Bertelsmann Stiftung examined more than 120 digital health events in the past year. Initial question: Who is talking about what and with what attitude? 

When analyzing the lecture titles, the Bertelsmann Foundation found that the speakers are generally positive about digital health and communicate more opportunities than risks. Unfortunately, however, there was too often a lack of practical relevance. This at least suggests the selection of topics and speakers. Most of the lectures at the eHealth and mHealth conferences and meetings were devoted to the transfer of information between service providers – i.e. digital networking, interoperability, information exchange, telematics infrastructure and e-patient files.

The list of speakers also shows that comparatively few "practitioners" speak about specific projects in everyday care. Representatives of patients and citizens are also neglected. In contrast, many politicians, advisors and scientists speak. The top keywords in the lecture titles included the terms "patient" and "data". It was about telemedicine, apps, ehealth conferencing and the future of healthcare. “Data protection” was discussed comparatively rarely and rather marginally. But maybe this will be better this year. We have listed the Digital Health Events 2017.
