what does digital reserve mean for us?


Digital and health: the 8 priority fields of action

Since the beginning of the year, the digital health strategy is under way! The Strategic Council for Digital Health (CSNS) has defined and placed on track eight priority projects that will structure, serving the health sector, and identify all the tremendous potential that digital technologies put at the service of the Citizen. After having dreamed for a long time, we are there!

Digital and health democracy: the patient can interact with professionals and become an actor of his health

Digital is transforming the relationship of the citizen to the world of health. Whether public actions or private initiatives, innovative tools allow him to understand, express himself and participate in all decisions that concern him. The Ministry of Solidarities and Health launches a new portal which is intended as a tool of information, service, but also of interaction with the user: https://sante.com/Digital platforms will be deployed to all patients, to familiarize them with the digital experience, and this for all citizens, not to mention the vulnerable, such as the elderly, sick children, or people in situation handicap. Health democracy is on the move thanks to digital technology!

Digital and health professionals: telemedicine and administrative tools to simplify and improve health practices

Healthcare professionals see their activity evolve thanks to telemedicine, which brings them closer to the patients who are furthest away from the health care route geographically or socially. Digital technology also simplifies their practices in health, clinical or administrative, and is the subject of training and pedagogies dedicated to all health actors. For example, telemonitoring of chronic diseases – such as diabetes or cardiac arrhythmia – is being finalized. Billing and reimbursement assistance software will simplify the health journey. All these new tools bring out new experts, a new engineering (new jobs?) To accompany and train users to these new practices.

Digital and Practitioners: Decision Support for the Physician

"Medication-indexed" decision support systems, and ultimately the requirements and results of biological tests, become very useful tools for physicians to make the best choice for prescriptions for their patients. .

Digital and public health: efficiency and simplification of health surveillance on the French territory

A dedicated internet portal provides accurate and comprehensive health reporting.Numerical tools for modeling data related to health threats make it possible to precisely establish warning levels on national and ultramarine territories. Imaging tools and representation of environmental data will facilitate health interventions.The dematerialization of death certificates including the declaration of the doctor and the transmission to local authorities and funeral operators will bring simplification for families.

Digital and innovation: building together, public authorities and private actors, new technologies in healthcare professions

Digital technology enables great progress in the evaluation of health methodologies and technologies, their accessibility throughout the territory, their impact on organizations and resources in the health sector, and also in the evaluation of savings. generated in the health care system. The challenge for the public authorities is to facilitate the emergence and diffusion of all these innovations. To help, guide and accompany digital innovations will be set up a "counter", with a link between the national and regional levels, with a mapping of support structures to innovation.

Digital and public action: framing the rise of e-health

The rise of digital health is framed by public action, in terms of functional, technical and security conditions, for the health and medico-social sectors. It is also a question of creating label-type evaluation systems to guide decision-makers and users in their choice of software solutions. Example: software dedicated to homes and health centers, smart health connected objects.

Digital and care path: Shared Medical Record, Health Secure Courier, dematerialization of the doctor's prescription

Digital technology is of paramount importance in the patient's care journey. It makes it possible to optimize the coordination of care thanks to new tools now made accessible and shared – under high security conditions – by all stakeholders and all health professionals concerned: the Shared Medical File (DMP) thus made accessible to all the chain of health professionals linked to the medical history of the Patient, the Safe Messaging Services (MSS) allowing exchanges between all stakeholders in real time, the e-prescription of the doctor who can thus circulate with whom by right . Digital is a true facilitator of the patient's care path.

Digital and Big Data: thinking about the added value and smart use of Big Data in health

Big Data is a new dimension to our existence, even if we are not always aware of it! The march will be long to apprehend the best, use it wisely, perceive the added value for the health sector, but also its contours and its limits. Case to follow!

To attend the CATEL Paris 2017 conference on Friday 6 October

You are welcome to attend the CATEL public conference on Friday, October 6th. It will be exciting! Here are the conditions:• The half day of Friday 6/10 from 14h00: free – Enter the following promotional code reserved for visitors of e-health.com: VIPCATEL_2017_ESANTEMEDIA_AFTERNOON• The full day of Friday 6/10 from 9am: price discovery to 120 € TTC. Enter the promotional code: VIPCATEL_2017_ESANTEMEDIAVisit the website for the ATEL Paris 2017 conference program:http://www.catelparis.com/accueil.html
