What Germans think about tomorrow's health technologies


How do Germans rate the modern medical technology of the future? The survey results of the Federal Ministry of Research are positive.

The representative survey "Future monitoring – Rethinking Health" shows that Germans are open-minded and positive about new technologies in healthcare. A quarter of those surveyed can even imagine being cared for by robots. 55 percent support "quantified self" and wearables such as fitness bracelets and mobile devices that measure and evaluate vital data. Implants for higher memory performance are particularly popular with younger people (14-19 years: 62 percent).

Good opportunities for telemedicine

But telemedicine is still popular with 38 percent. Overall, the Germans associate the new health technology with more opportunities than risks. But there are differences. East Germans see higher potential for telemedicine than West Germans. And people who live in the country are more enthusiastic about new technologies in health and care than city dwellers.

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