What makes the garden really smart?


For many years now, the Internet of Things has been a topic in professional circles. For some time now, it has come under way for the first time under the concept of the "smart health home", in which above all the application fields of entertainment, heating and air conditioning, lighting and security are a focal point. While on the one hand additional comfort is needed, in some areas tangible benefits in terms of efficiency also play a role, resulting in savings in costs and a reduction in the use of resources, which ultimately serves sustainability.

The garden as part of the smart health home

If you think of the private living space of the person holistically, then it is only logical to include in the smart health home and the garden. For many, this is a place of relaxation and tranquility, but also a place of active and creative activity in which they enjoy and draw strength. Last but not least, questions of healthy nutrition through fruits and vegetables from the own garden and the pedagogical effect in the involvement of the children also play an essential role. Many reasons to become involved in the garden here.

Realistically, however, a garden requires some attention from its owner. Because before harvesting nature has sowing and care set. As the freely available time quota, which is becoming less and less available to working people, becomes smaller and smaller, the conflicts are inevitable. The occupation with the garden is in competition with many other offers of leisure activities. In addition, a whole range of activities are considered less than fulfilling and enriching, but rather as a burden and necessary evil. According to a large majority of garden owners, this includes, above all, regular lawn mowing and irrigation. For this reason, robotic lawnmowers are becoming increasingly popular. In addition to the time required for irrigation, many lack the necessary knowledge and experience to carry out the right irrigation of their plants.

Efficient irrigation of the smart garden

For ecological as well as economic reasons, this is not true here: Much helps a lot. It is more important to water as efficiently as possible, as little as possible and as much as necessary. And at the right time and with the right frequency. Only then can healthy plants and a rich harvest be realized. The ideal solution here is automatically controlled drip irrigation, which avoids unnecessary waste of valuable drinking water, as a study by Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University on behalf of Gardena has determined for use in the private garden. This is even more the case in hot and dry summer periods, which are becoming increasingly common in our latitudes as a result of climate change.

Targeted drip irrigation was originally developed in the Israeli kibbutz as a solution to agriculture in the face of chronic drought. For the private garden, such applications have been available in combination with timers since the late 1980s. While the southern European countries picked these up quickly, they were far more niche in Germany. After all, water was always abundant. In recent years, we have felt that this could change dramatically in this country as well.

The need for efficient irrigation coupled with the benefits of comfort and the technological advances of an app-driven application that can be meaningfully linked to other features of the smart health home opens up new possibilities and more consumer interest – far beyond the circle the tech-savvy early adopters.

Smart Gardening – more than just controlling devices

Smart Gardening goes far beyond simply controlling devices according to traditional schedules. Already today, sensor data such as soil moisture or the changing times of sunrise and sunset can be included in the optimization of irrigation. The integration of weather data and forecasts is the next logical step. In addition, the user no longer needs to know when, how long and how often to pour, but in the app already includes the horticultural expertise that advises him step by step depending on its location, soil quality and plant selection. After all, that's what makes the garden really smart.

The integration into established platforms such as Apple HomeKit, Magenta Smart health home Telekom or even IFTTT for the more technically advanced users increasingly ensures that manufacturer-related island solutions continue to network with each other and can be meaningfully complemented.

Ultimately, the concept of smart health home and smart garden will prevail among the users, if it exists not only because of a pure feasibility and enthusiasm for technology, but if it creates a real benefit and added value. At the end of this development, it will completely disappear in the background. More and more applications in and around the house will naturally network with each other.

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