What to do with your furniture when you have no room?


Whether you have bought new furniture while waiting for a move, or the vagaries of life, such as a divorce or a death, force you to find a solution to store your furniture, it is not always easy to find a quick way. and reliable.

The garage rental

Some individuals offer, at advantageous prices, to rent you their garage or cellar. This solution may seem ideal, but it will take the honesty of your landlord, because sub-renting an annex of his home is often illegal. In this case, of course, no insurance, no contract, no guarantee as to the safety of your property. In addition, if you do not have keys, so no guaranteed access to your furniture, what to do when the owner goes on weekends? Finally, it is obvious that to store his goods in a garage or a cellar, amounts to exposing them to the dust, the humidity too. You are also not protected from the risk of theft or damage, for example.

Renting a storage box

A legacy, an invading passion, or a stay abroad? Have you thought about renting a furniture storage ? This means of storage is convenient to make room and put your goods in a safe place until your situation changes. Whether personal or business, furniture repositories can hold almost anything, such as boxes, furniture, papers … Being thought for this purpose, you will be sure to keep your things in a place healthy. This solution offers other advantages: unlike a garage, your box will be much more secure. Moreover, in addition to being able to choose between several sizes of storage space, you will have the possibility, if necessary, to rent several. If you do not have enough room, or to separate some business for example. Materials will also be provided for the transportation and handling of your goods.

You are decided?

Go to the center nearest to you, where you can visit the furniture repositories. Advisors will help you with the choice of surface that will suit you. Then you can access your box when you want and the presence of alarms and surveillance cameras will reassure you no doubt. Little more? A personalized code will allow you to open your furniture storage outside the opening hours, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
