What you need to know about volunteering


Does my volunteer activity risk causing me to lose my rights to a social allowance?

No, you can keep your allowance provided you have previously requested authorization for this activity.


You are unemployed receiving benefits

You must first report your activity to ONEm, via your payment organization (that is to say, depending on the case, the Auxiliary Unemployment Benefit Payment Fund or your union). You don’t even have to wait for the decision to start volunteering. This decision must be made within 12 days. If after this time you still have no news, you can start. If, after these 12 days, you are nevertheless notified of a refusal or restrictions, these only apply for the future.

If the ONEm refuses or imposes restrictions, it must demonstrate that the volunteering does not fall within the legal framework or that your activity would reduce your availability on the job market. It is also possible that the nature, importance and frequency of the activity or the setting in which it is carried out means that it does not or no longer meet the characteristics of an activity usually carried out by volunteers in life. associative.

If you intend to volunteer with an organization active in several Regions (the Red Cross, for example), this organization can submit a general request to ONEm. If this is approved, you do not have to apply individually. Therefore, be sure to ask your organization if they have ever made a general request.

You are on early retirement

It is still the common name, even though you are officially an RCC, that is to say that you receive unemployment benefit with a company supplement.

In this case, the same rules apply as for an unemployed person receiving benefits.

You receive compensation from the mutual

Your medical adviser must agree to the activity you wish to carry out. He will check if this activity is not likely to harm your health. You can only start your volunteering once you have given permission.

You receive integration income

You need the agreement of the manager of your case at the CPAS.
