Where to install an air purifier?

It is a fact, the air we breathe is far from pure. Valid for outdoor air, this information is more valid for indoor air (5 to 10 times more polluted, according to the magazine’s website Sciences and the Future), that is, the one we breathe the most.

Realizing the importance of breathing as healthy air as possible to give yourself the best possible chance of being in good health, you have decided to equip yourself with an air purifier, and it’s all up to you. honor.

Equipped with a HEPA filter (for High Efficiency Particulate Air – High Efficiency for Airborne Particles), an activated carbon filter, a real ionizer or even functioning by photocatalysis, there are different types of purifiers for different situations.

The only thing is, once you have made your choice, you still have to know in which room to install the machine, where exactly, if there are many criteria to take into account, etc. So many questions that you are probably asking yourself, and to which we will provide the answers. At the end of this reading, the installation of an air purifier will have no more secrets for you.

 In which room to install the air purifier? 

It all depends on whether your device is mobile or landline, and your lifestyle.

If your device is mobile, you can definitely take it with you whenever you move to another room. If, on the other hand, your purifier, because it is particularly bulky or because it annoys you to move it regularly (no one will blame you for it), is fixed, you should ask yourself what will be its main purpose before choose its future location.

Then you have to take your habits into account.

You spend time in your bathroom and know how much, between the humidity given off by the sink and the shower, the fumes from toiletries, beauty products and the like, fine particles accumulate and air is far from healthy? It may therefore be a good idea to install your purifier here (in any case, remember to ventilate well, otherwise the filters could become soaked in water and need to be changed prematurely).

You have a holy horror of cooking smells (not the good ones, those that make you hungry, but the others, those that stay a long time, too long …) or even burnt (it can happen), and what matters to you is is to protect your sense of smell? So installing your air purifier in your kitchen seems like a good solution (if it has the right system, but we’ll talk more about that below).

The most important thing in your eyes is that the item filters dust, dander, animal hair, etc., present in the ambient air, and you prefer it to be placed in a centralized place? In this case the living room would probably be a better option. (This is also valid if you are a smoker or have people around you who smoke indoors, especially if your purifier is equipped with a system for eliminating bad odors, because cigarette smoke is knows, is not for everyone.)

You know how much time you spend sleeping in each 24-hour interval, and you care about being able to say Goodbye dust mites and other allergenss, and Good morning clean air to sleep? We therefore cannot recommend enough that you install your purifier in your bedroom.

 Can an air purifier be installed in a nursery / children’s room? 

As a parent, you always want the best for your child, and if many solutions exist to offer your little one / her the most enriching and secure environment possible, the question of installing a purifier in their room. air or not arises naturally.

Note that this is quite possible, obviously taking into account the potential noise emitted by the machine and, to a lesser extent, its design (you might as well select one who knows how to remain discreet). Some models have also been designed specifically to adapt to the most sensitive people.

 Is it possible to install an air purifier in a room affected by mold? 

Mold, in addition to being a plague on your health home, can also be a source of various health problems. Chronic fatigue, respiratory diseases (sinus congestion, nasal discharge, asthma, etc.), headaches, are all examples of very unpleasant symptoms.

Of course, the answer is yes, you are perfectly fine to install your purifier in a room with this problem, but you should know that it will not solve the problem. It is absolutely essential to treat it at the source (only a professional will be able to give you the right advice on this subject).

 Where in the room does it make the most sense to install it? 

Some models of air purifiers are equipped with an odor filtration system. This is the case of those who have an activated carbon filter, capable of capturing elements such as gas, smoke, bleach vapors, VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and other chemicals suspended in the air, but not those that only have a HEPA filter, because the latter is designed to deal mainly with larger particles, such as pollen, dander or dust.

If you have an air purifier capable of dealing with bad odors, then, it is best to locate it as close to the source of the odors in question as possible. Some filters are powerful enough so that your nostrils are preserved from the start, that is to say before they even have time to be inconvenienced, not bad!

Otherwise, generally speaking, it is best to avoid corners. Indeed, and although it may seem tempting to place the device in a somewhat hidden, inconspicuous place, it will work much more efficiently if it is installed in an area where air circulates freely and from all sides. (If this seems too difficult to achieve, perhaps you should look to a model that offers the possibility of being installed high up, against a wall.)

Another strategic place to consider: not far from the front door. Thus the machine will capture the particles in suspension as soon as they enter and will reduce indoor air pollution more easily (even more interesting if you live with a cat or a dog!).

FOR FURTHER Read our comparative guide to the best air purifiers

 Other information to remember 

If your choice is an entry-level or mid-range air purifier, it is important to ensure that it is always a safe distance from your other electronic devices, as interference could be created, causing that one or the other (if not all) would not work correctly. In principle, high-end models do not have this problem.


We have only spoken here of the installation of a single air purifier for an entire apartment / a whole house, but of course it is necessary to adapt the number of items to the dimensions of your accommodation (the size of the machine-treatable area is normally indicated on the packaging).

In addition, it is obviously important to take into account the noise that the article makes before choosing a location for it (if it is mobile, you can always move it, but if not, the background sound can quickly turn out to be unpleasant…).

Finally, and even if this gesture is already applied by the majority of people, we would like to remind you how important and useful it is to ventilate your health home on a daily basis, and if possible several times. Without doing everything on its own, this little habit goes a long way towards improving indoor air quality.