why is it important for students?

Meta-learning invites the student to evaluate his way of learning, to take control of it and to improve it. Discover its benefits!

Last update : February 04, 2023

From the moment a child is born, his parents or educators strive to teach him everything he needs to know. They seek to offer him all the information he needs, explain the world to him and show him all kinds of concepts. However, there is an even more important element that is often overlooked. This is meta-learning, the skill that will help your child learn more effectively.

Beyond knowledge of science, literature, music or languages, what a child really needs are tools that allow him to achieve meaningful learning in any area. How often do children study for hours and end up not understanding or remembering what they have read? This is not only tedious and demotivating for them, but also inefficient. This is why meta-learning is so important.

What is meta-learning?

This concept was defined in 1984 by Novak and Gowin, two researchers in education committed to achieving meaningful student learning. That implies that knowledge is not received passively but is built by manipulating concepts and thinking about them until they are assimilated and integrated effectively.

In this respect, and to achieve this objective, meta-learning is seen as an essential element. He refers to the ability to evaluate the learning process itself and take control of it to make it conscious. In simple terms, it means “learning to learn”.

The goal is not only for the student to understand the material, but also to be able to apply critical thinking to it and relate it to what they already knew before. Moreover, it’s about making this whole process enjoyable, comfortable and efficient.

How can the student apply meta-learning?

Meta-learning can be used to solve problems, perform tasks or assimilate information of any kind. And, when applying it, the student must ask himself the questions that we mention below.

What will I learn?

It is important that students know the subject in depth and not just learn automatically. Memorizing without understanding or following the teacher’s instructions, always in the same way, is not enough: in fact, knowledge is not consolidated and therefore cannot be used in the future. For this reason, students need to become familiar with the subject matter and with the way knowledge is structured in order to be able to approach it correctly.

How am I going to do ?

As we said, it is about taking control of the learning process itself, planning it and putting it in order. Thus, the student can take care of organizing aspects such as: what will be the study space, when will he study and how long will he devote to homework.

Besides, he can analyze his mood and motivation and see if they allow him to start work. Maybe if he’s feeling anxious or worried, he needs to take a few minutes to breathe or relax first. Or, maybe, if he’s not motivated, playing a short game of a game he’s interested in will help get him going.

What items and tools do I need and which can I use?

This is a key point, sinceit is – for the child – to know and have access to various methods, tools and strategies to make the learning process more efficient. This includes techniques such as underlining, diagrams, concept maps and mnemonics. It is important that the child knows several of them, that he knows which ones suit him best and in which contexts.

How is the process going?

Meta-learning involves reflecting on the learning process at all times. This includes not only initial planning but also regular evaluation. The student must be able toidentify in time the mistakes he is making or the strategies that are not workingwhich will save him the frustration of an effort that does not bear fruit.

But, for that, the child needs to get used to tracking his progress. He must give due importance to this process of reflection and analyze whether the times and techniques chosen have been appropriate or whether there is an emotion that is hindering the learning.

Is there anything to improve or change?

Finally, we can also implement changes and improvements. For example, if the student detects that he does not understand a word or concept, he will have to stop and solve this question before continuing. Likewise, he may identify that he needs a break and must allow himself to take it. Or he may find that he is spending too much time on the task and needs to change his strategy.

Meta-learning is necessary for every student

Through meta-learning, children can achieve better academic results, optimize their study process and feel more motivated. But, in addition, it is a tool that they can use in the future to approach any new learning, and that is why it ensures them great independence and autonomy.

However, meta-learning must be taught because it does not arise innately. So we need to guide students on how to monitor and take charge of their learning process, how to take each step and make it a routine. This can take time, patience and perseverance on the part of parents and educators. However, once integrated, it will be one of the best resources the child will have in the future.

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