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  • Winky, the educational robot for children ages 5 to 12, arrives for Christmas!

Winky, the educational robot for children ages 5 to 12, arrives for Christmas!


health home " The brief " Winky, the educational robot for children ages 5 to 12, arrives for Christmas!

Winky is a small French educational robot that aims to support children in their learning. Developed with Ecole Polytechnique, Winky develops the executive functions, cognitive skills and cognitive abilities of children.

Winky is above all a statement: programming and robotics will change the lives of our children, and we must prepare the new generation for the world of tomorrow. The first topics Mainbot chose are programming and robotics through collaborative and fun games.

(Embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb8FX5NlEYk (/ embed)

Winky has received the biggest funding in the history ofUlule in 9 years of existence, in the category "technological product". Winky has indeed made a record collection of nearly 240 000 € with more than 1300 orders in just 30 days.

The success of crowdfunding has allowed us to gain great visibility in France and especially with the Fnac partnership who is committed to make Winky one of its flagship products for Christmas, intended for the general public in the autumn of 2019.

Boris Kesler, founder of Mainbot

Boris Kesler, founder of Mainbot

Winkylab, Winky's challenge lab

Winky and its application Winkylab offers about thirty adapted mini games. The goal of the robot and its application are to program mini games and then play with family or friends. Nearly 30 mini games called challenges are provided with the robot, and 60 new mini games are already planned for 2020, covering STIM content (science, technology, engineering and mathematics).

Through the challenges, and thanks to Winky, the child discovers music, dance, or physical activities. He revisits classic games, learns to evaluate distances, time, to classify, to find differences, to be the fastest … by developing his executive functions, abilities and cognitive skills.

Two different levels of programming, and a didactic tutorial, allow an easy handling adapted to each child:

  • the beginner mode, dedicated to the 5/7 years, guides the child in the realization of his challenge

  • the initiated mode, for the 8/12 years, allows the children to acquire autonomy in their programming

Winkypedia, Winky's encyclopedia

Written by children's and children's literature experts, Winkypedia is popularizing the key terms related to new technologies.

Children discover terms related to robotics and programming through age-appropriate definitions. They also discover the Winky universe. In a futuristic world, robot animals have helped humans deal with climate and ecological threats. Winky is the protector of this new emerging species.

Designed by parents, and made in France

Winky was born from a love story between Boris and his wife Amanda. When they learned that they were going to be parents, they very quickly wanted to prepare their little girl for the world of tomorrow. Convinced that it will soon be the computer to speak English today, they decided to create a cute little robot to teach programming and robotics to children, while having fun with the family.

The robot was designed and designed in France, between Paris and Lyon. It is since July 2019 industrialized in Annemasse in Haute Savoie by the industrialist ADTP.
