With the new Stryd you will want to run in the wind


The new Stryd, power sensor for running, now measures the wind speed. Joggers will be able to adapt their effort with all types of wind.

The Stryd is a small box smart health connected which is clipped on the top of the shoe. It is equipped with a power sensor. This means that it measures the information of running, that is to say speed, fatigue or the terrain. The new version adds wind measurement. The riders can therefore calculate in a precise way the effort to be optimize the way they run. Whether with headwind, to avoid over-spending, or a tailwind where you can let yourself go.

The Stryd for pros and amateurs alike

The Stryd appliance welcomes other new features. In addition to the wind, it also measures room temperature and humidity. The manufacturer has also added a magnetometer that will perform functions for the moment unknown, in the near future. In addition, the data storage capacity is leaping and is 64 times more important before.

As a reminder, the Stryd case weighs 8 grams and holds more than 20 hours working. It works in conjunction with an application for smartphones or web browser. Some smart health connected watches may also benefit from the measurements provided, which should increase their accuracy. Overall, this tool is especially useful for runners who wish perfect their race. The meteorological and environmental parameters are decisive in the management of the effort. The wind can ruin a running session if you do not know how to apprehend it. Those who train for competitions might be interested in such arguments.

The Stryd is sold for $ 219 on the manufacturer's website. It is possible to order even outside the United States.

