Withings joins a health study with NutriNet-Santé

smart health connected objects are present everywhere and especially in the health sector. But today, Withings, who recently announced that Parisians are the most athletic, is teaming up with Nutri-NetSanté for a health study on 500,000 volunteers. The aim of this study is simple: to identify the risk or protective factors directly linked to nutrition.

Who can participate?

Yes everybody can participate in this health study, owners of smart health connected health-related objects like scales, physical activity sensors, blood pressure monitors, thermometers will be part of a special category. Withings is committed to encouraging its users to participate in the study.

How to participate ?

NutriNet-Santé asks its participants to respond to online questionnaires every year for 5 years. But owners of smart health connected objects can decide whether they want to share their data with NutriNet-Santé. Withings will not transmit any data without express consent.

Objectives of the study

The advantage for NutriNet of being in partnership with Withings is to obtain objective data continuously transmitted by smart health connected objects. In fact, where users without a smart health smart health connected object must fill in ad hoc questionnaires, holders of smart health connected objects will bring precise measurements. The data collected by Withings and transmitted to NutriNet-Santé will relate in particular to weight, blood pressure and continuous physical activity.

The study is coordinated by the Research Team in Nutritional Epidemiology (EREN) and by researchers Inserm / Inra / CNAM and the University of Paris 13. With this operation, the instigators of this study want to understand the correlations between food intake , physical activity and health taking into account age, gender, socio-economic conditions…

Sources: culture-nutrition.com – etude-nutrinet-sante.com

Photo credit: Fotolia.com
