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  • Withings signs a partnership with Young Doctors to promote the adoption of smart health connected objects in medical practice

Withings signs a partnership with Young Doctors to promote the adoption of smart health connected objects in medical practice


health home " The brief " Withings signs a partnership with Young Doctors to promote the adoption of smart health connected objects in medical practice

Withings, now well known for its smart health connected objects for health (scales, smart health connected watch, but also sleep monitoring, monitoring of tension, etc.) has just announced the signing of a partnership with Young Doctors, the innovative trade union organization that represents and defends the interests of several thousand doctors in France.

This collaboration is a perfect illustration of the paradigm shift that is taking place today in the practice of medicine, which now encourages patients to use smart health connected health objects that allow self-monitoring at health home.

This evolution also allows better patient follow-up by their doctor outside their practice, thanks to the medical quality data collected by Withings applications and smart health connected devices.

While advances in technology have transformed the practice of medicine forever, smart health connected health objects are a new milestone in remote patient care.

These smart health connected objects indeed promote the patient's autonomy with respect to his own monitoring of tension and his cardiac rhythm disorders; allows a sharing of health data collected with his doctor directly from the Health Mate application and enriches the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases by the health professional.

True allies of the medical profession, these devices automesure, also certified medical CE, therefore promote a more regular monitoring of patients and better prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Young doctors and Withings a partnership for the future

This new partnership with Young Doctors allows Withings to push the boundaries of prevention by enabling innovative healthcare professionals to integrate these smart health connected tools into their practice.

Already developed in partnership with recognized medical institutions, Withings products can be tested and tested by young doctors before they are released. This should help accelerate the adoption of these objects by the medical profession, while allowing a constant improvement of these products through feedback in the framework of patient follow-up.

"For Young Doctors, partnering with Withings is showing the interest of Young Doctors for these new technologies in the service of health, and give a chance to French start-ups who develop these technologies, allowing them to strengthen the use ".

Together, Jeunes Doctors and Withings concretize their desire to no longer limit medical surveillance to the hospital environment, thus enabling healthcare professionals to be involved in prevention for their patients at a distance.

Last updated on: December 4, 2019 3:01 pm
