The young people of the future: all vegetarians?

While meat consumption is a increasingly controversial topic over the past few years, the vegetarianism gained more and more followers. Starting with the youth ! Diplomeo has carried out an interesting study on the position of young French people on the subject (study 2020) [1]. What about? Are new generations turning away from meat and animal protein? Here are some interesting statistics from the study's findings.

Vegetarianism among young people: very surprising figures

For several years now, questions revolving around the revegetation of the plate and some place of animals in our food are attracting more and more attention. Consumption patterns that exclude animal protein (vegetarian, vegan diets, etc.) are increasingly common among young people. According to the Diplomeo study carried out in 2020 [1], 11% of young French people aged 16 to 25 have banned meat or fish from their diet.

But if the majority do not completely exclude meat foods from their diet, 18% still say they are “flexitarians”a diet that consists of greatly reducing meat consumption and eating it only occasionally.

Vegetarianism among young people aged 16 to 25

According to the Diplomeo study carried out on 3094 young French people aged 16 to 25:

  • 2% are vegans (do not consume any animal flesh: fish, meat, eggs, cow's milk or even cheese are banned):

  • 6% are vegetarians (do not eat meat or fish);

  • 3% are pesco-vegetarians (still consume fish but no meat);

  • and 18% say they are flexitarians (consume animal products but occasionally).

Thereby, “only” 69% of 16-25 year olds say they eat meat and animal productswith no dietary restrictions.


But the most surprising thing is that among young people who are neither vegetarians nor vegans, more than a quarter penfeels they could be one day :

  • 83% of pesco-vegetarians, 52% of flexitarians and 18% of those who eat everything think of becoming vegetarian or vegan one day;

  • 51% believe that mores will change in favor of a meatless diet in France and 58% think it would be a good thing if it happened.

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