Your emotions detected by an emotional bracelet

Feel is the name of a new gadget that takes an interest in your emotions. Using its sensors placed on the epidermis, it monitors and analyzes your behavior so that you can approach your daily life with confidence.

We can't count the number of new smart health connected bracelets put on the market every year. Whether it is for sports, calculating physical activity or simply “having fun” with friends, the fashion for smart bracelets never stops growing. Feel is an example.

Designed by the manufacturer Sentio Solutions, this emotional bracelet has new features which should open new doors in the innovation of these small objects. In the lineage of the Smartband 2 proposed by Sony, Feel aims to capture the emotions felt by its wearer.

To do so, this little pearly bracelet has four sensors placed on its back, allowing you to feel and analyze two essential pieces of information: body temperature and pulse. But the capabilities of this emotional bracelet are not limited to a simple analysis of these data. Indeed, its primary purpose is toassess the level of stress felt by its owner.

Achievable feat thanks to its smartphone app, to which Feel is continuously smart health connected via a Bluetooth connection. All the data collected is then processed by the program which draws up a review of the day highlighting the strongest moments of stress. For the designers of the emotional bracelet, the tool allows you to first become aware of your stress and then be able to "change bad emotional habits".

In addition to these analyzes, Feel offers different breathing exercises, meditation or listening to music in order to regain control of his emotions. As many functions that may be available as soon as the emotional bracelet is released, planned for december 2016 has a price around 200 euros. The price to pay for a more peaceful life.
