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  • Zucchini carrots work-365 days Chinese healthy food for July 6

Zucchini carrots work-365 days Chinese healthy food for July 6

zucchini carrots work

Ingredients for zucchini carrots work/ 4 people



1stalk celery

4cloves of garlic

2tablespoons soy sauce

1tablespoon of sesame oil

4tablespoons peanut oil



difficulty easy

preparation 15 mn

baking 10 mn

Totaltime 25 minutes

PREPARATION zucchini carrots work

1Rinse the zucchini and peel them. Split them into 4 lengthwise and remove theseeds. Then cut them into small sticks 5 cm long.

2Peel the carrots and grate them with a grid with large holes. Finely chop thecelery.

3Peel the garlic cloves and chop finely. Rinse and chop the chives, finely.

4Pour the peanut oil and sesame oil in a wok (or skillet if you do not haveone), heat. Add zucchini and cook until they are golden color.

Finally zucchini carrots work

Addcarrots, celery, soy sauce and 2 tablespoons water. Made even heat for 5minutes.

More smart health recipe for July 6 (Not Chinese recipe)

Ingredientsfor Fried Yucca with Feta Cheese Sauce Recipe

4 Pieces ofyucca root1/4 c Vegetable oil for frying2 tb Fine chopped hot chilePepper1/4 ts Salt1/2 c Vegetable oil1/2 c Evaporated milk1/2 ts Lemon juice1/4 c Chopped onion rinsed inBoiling water

Fried Yuccawith Feta Cheese Sauce Preparation

Peel yucca down towhite flesh and place in boiling water and boil for 20 minutes. Remove yuccaand let cool. When cool, cut yucca into slices, being sure to remove the toughcenter fibers. Pan fry in 1/4 cup vegetable oil until browned. The sauce can beprepared while the yucca is cooling. Mash feta cheese and egg yolks togetherusing a fork. Mix in chile pepper and salt with beaters. Pour in the vegetableoil a little at a time while beating continuously. Add evaporated milk andlemon juice and beat well. Mix in onion. Serve as appetizer using the sauce fordipping or th yucca can be served as a side dish with the sauce poured over it.The onion can be place in a strainer and rinsed until tender in the boilingwater from which the yucca was removed.

Ingredientsfor Garlic and Chickpea Dip Recipe

8 oz Chickpeas, soaked & cooked2 Garlic bulbs, boiled whole– for 20 minutes, drained4 oz Olive oil2 Juice of lemons3 oz TahiniBlack pepper4 tb Fresh chopped parsleyTomatoes to garnish

Garlic andChickpea Dip Preparation

Blend thechickpeas till well pureed. Squeeze the garlic cloves from their skins &add to the chickpeas. Put in the oil, lemon juice & tahini. Blend again.Add pepper & parsley & mix well. Put the mixture into an oiled mould& chill for 2 hours. Turn it onto a plate & garnish with tomato wedgesor slices.